A Simple Guide to Planning Your Race Season


Since we are at the start of a new year, and many athletes are looking into the races and events they would like to do for the year, I thought I’d share some guidelines to go by when you start planning your race season.


Identify Your Season Goal

Typically we want to have some kind of goal each year for our event season. It might simply be to finish a marathon, or participate in a local race series. Or perhaps it’s get a personal best at a specific race. If this isn’t your first race season, what did you achieve in the previous season, and how would you like to improve?


When you finish the year or season, what do you want to say you’ve accomplished?


Once your season goal(s) is/are identified, then take a look at the following things.




Not just race entry costs, but travel, lodging, additional bike servicing, etc. You want to make sure the racing is in your budget, or there could be some unnecessary stress for you and/or your family!



Map your planned events out on a calendar with other events in your life.


Do your chosen events fit with other known dates such as work travel and vacations? You want to make sure you will feel prepared going into a race, so for example, an A race immediately after a sedentary vacation may not be a good idea.


Realistic for Training

Do you have the time to commit for the training and recovery needed?

Are you willing to put in the required training?


If you’re not sure what will be required, ask a coach!


Are your events appropriate for fitness experience?


While some people jump into a marathon or full iron-distance event their very first season, it may not be the best thing. If it’s not necessarily appropriate, but you want to do it anyway, make sure you can commit to the training and that your expectations are realistic.


Answer the question: “Why do I want to do this race?

This is important to know for every race – when you put money down for an entry, have a reason! It can just be a training race, or to race with friends, but have a reason for it.  


You can use my Race Goal Worksheet to get a head start on your goals — sign up here:


Get Your Race Goal Worksheet

and answer the 7 questions you must know before your next race

*Your information is very safe with me. I will never sell it or share it.



Ask Yourself: “Do I need help reaching my season goal?” 

If you already work with a coach, they should be already involved in your goal setting process. They may not pick your events specifically, but they can help vett your choices to make sure they fit in some of the above. If you don’t, I have room in my schedule for a few more athletes. I’d love to help you this season! (contact me here)



Working through the above items and looking at your season as a whole can help make sure you have a healthy and enjoyable event season!


And remember, if you need to ask a coach anything, you can do so here. I’ll answer you on a blog post or in my newsletter!



In the comments below, let me know how you plan your race season…

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