I’ve made it through two whole weeks after my elbow surgery. The second week after surgery went a bit better than the first week. I am now completely off pain medication, even Tylenol, and am noticing progress in my range of motion work.
I go to physical therapy twice a week, where they stretch me, have me push the limits of my allowed range of motion, and do some manual work to try to loosen up the muscles around my elbow. Holy adhesions that were are in my biceps and triceps!

The goal is to get to 100% extension at six weeks. I still have a ways to go, but I do see the improvement. It’s also nice to be able to get my arm out of my sling while I’m at my desk and I am back to typing with two hands!
I have also been restricted to 90 degrees of flexion, but the two week mark means I can start adding 10 degrees each week. Small steps, just like endurance sport training.
On the home/work front, things are pretty much back to normal, other than it still takes me longer to do routine tasks. I have to remember I won’t be able to use the arm for anything that requires weight for another four weeks, which is why I’m supposed to be in the sling for that duration. The sling is in use when I’m not at my desk, sleeping, or just relaxing on the couch. It acts as a very obvious reminder that I can’t lift anything with that arm.
In addition to a few easy spins last week, I’ve added some longer workouts on my trainer. With that and the physical therapy exercises, and taking my dog for walks, I have plenty to keep me active.

This past weekend, I headed to Boulder to be at the Boulder Peak Triathlon. I still picked up my packet, and met with team, “For the Love of Nicole’s Elbow,” the 303Triathlon.com ambassadors who were doing a relay for on-course review of the event. I also got to meet Flora Duffy, who was there to participate in the pro relay event. But when a nearby wildfire demanded the attention of all emergency personnel, the race had to be cancelled at the last minute. Disappointing for sure, but very understandable. (Here’s my non-event report I did for 303Triathlon.)

The event being cancelled did allow me to get back to Colorado Springs earlier than planned, so I had time to go to a barbecue that was an informal fundraiser for Fixie Dave’s Kids on Bikes campaign. He’ll be racing the Route 66 Bike Race in October. (Team NEO athlete, Tony, is planning to race it as well!)

This next week is going to be an interesting one, both on the elbow-front, as I get to add that 10 degrees of flexion, but also on the sport front. I’m heading to California to be on a crew for a Badwater 135 runner. While my duties will be modified from what was originally planned, I’m excited to be out there supporting Sandra as she attempts this epic event (read about how she did at Badwater Salton Sea) and work with an all-star crew – Team NEO athletes Rodney and Khem.
I’ll definitely have a few posts when I return to share my experience!